It’s not necessarily intuitive to think of a one-week horse show requiring a full- time, year ‘round staff, but there are always things that need doing, and we are busy making sure they get done. When the show ends we spend weeks ensuring that all results are properly recorded, required reports are filed, and everyone from the jump crew members to the judges are paid. We then turn to restoring the grounds -trees get planted, trimmed and fertilized spring and fall. Renovation, maintenance and construction projects have to be timed so as not to interfere with any of the shows that use the grounds. Communications, advertising, fundraising, negotiating and preparing contracts, securing staff and officials, obtaining licenses, permits and insurance, arranging sponsorships and vendors, and a host of other “must-dos” create an environment where we are never bored. For our exhibitors and spectators, the release of the Prize List and the Invitation to Sponsor in the spring is a reminder that the show is around the corner, and the excitement starts to build. For those of us who care for the grounds and administrative side of the show, the first full week of June is the culmination of 12 months of careful preparation. We hope you love coming to Upperville as much as we love getting it ready for you!