Prospective Advertisers
The 172nd anniversary of America’s oldest horse show will be held under the majestic oak trees June 2-8, 2025. The show grounds are located near the village of Upperville, located just outside the Washington, DC metro area and are known as the heart of Virginia’s horse and hunt country.
The Upperville Colt & Horse Show is one of the few horse shows in the country that produces both a prize list and an official horse show program. We invite you to advertise your business in one or both of our publications.
The Official Horse Show Program
The program is printed after the pre-entry deadline and lists all of the classes and its competitors. The glossy document contains both color and black & white ads, photos of last year’s winners and past events. The programs are available during the week of the show with an expected number of spectators ranging from ten to twenty thousand. Unlike other printed periodicals that go in the trash, the horse show program is a collectible keepsake. We receive many requests from all over the country for programs long after the show is over, and proudly mail dozens to prospective sponsors.
Please find the self-explanatory advertising contract and instructions for submitting your ad copy electronically. Most of your advertising questions are addressed on the contract, but feel free to call the horse show office (540-687-5740) if we can help.

The Prize List
The prize list is distributed online concurrent with the entry opening date. It is posted in its entirety on our website. It contains all of the rules, class listings, and information necessary for an exhibitor to pre-enter their horse or pony. An exhibitor or trainer making their travel plans to attend this show often refer to this document, as it is their main source of the show’s information.
Advertising in the prize list is available online only.